13 Pounds in 30 Days Weight Loss Program


The 13 Pounds in 30 Days weight loss program from Mighty Oak Athletic will get you looking and feeling your best in just one month! The program includes a day-by-day training journal that outlines what to do, when to do it, why it works, and how you will drop the weight.

NO special workout equipment
NO fancy foods or tricky cooking techniques
NO increased time working out or excessive training
NO calorie restriction or starvation

What are you waiting for? This is the unique program you have been trying to find for years!

The proven 13 Pounds in 30 Days weight loss program will make it happen.

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"I had not worked out regularly in years and Michael in a very short time has already improved my mobility, strength and fitness level. Michael tailors the training sessions to you - I always feel like I get a great workout and am more motivated at the end of each session. Each training session is a little different, keeps things interesting and makes me look forward to working out. Michael is also a great resource for diet and nutrition information as well - I highly recommend Michael!"

-Mary Toomey


"I've worked with many trainers and I have to say Mike is one of the most dynamic I've worked with. To help compliment my running, Mike help me add cross training and develop nutrition discipline. Instead of telling me what to do, we talked about it and set my goals and lifestyle targets around me. I wasn't just a client with a standing appointment - he was always accessible for a quick text or question.

-Steve Alavi


"Working with Mike enabled me to become healthy in a sustainable way. I cannot tell you how many diets and workout programs I have tried over the years. While many of those programs worked in the short-term, Mike's approach has empowered me to feel well every day. I have felt great for years now! I am truly thankful for meeting Michael and the guidance he has given me."

-Kathy Smith


"Mike is a one of a kind health coach in Chicago- he is not only a very knowledgeable trainer, but has a fun personality and laid back manner. His ability to make folks of all fitness levels feel comfortable is very conducive to a fun learning environment that ensures his clients see all the results that they are looking for."

-Paul Lyngso


"The biggest change I noticed after working with Mike was how well I sleep now. I fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep all night. Mornings are no longer awful!"

-Devyn Banks


"I really appreciate Michael's approach. The training is hard - it will kick your ass, but the interaction is conversational and he doesn't let you leave without reminding you that what you do in the kitchen is every bit as important as what you do in the gym. I highly recommend Michael, you won't be disappointed by the results or his personality." - Bruce Martin


"Thank you to Mike for helping me get control of my kitchen! I have always had a strong fitness-focused life, but often struggled to to consistently prepare quick, healthy meals my family would actually eat. Mike taught me how to navigate the grocery store, prep the groceries for easy access in the kitchen, and get meals on the table with minimal stress and clean up. My husband thanks Mike everyday!

-Sharon Edwards


"Mike has such a caring way about him. I never felt like he was judging or criticizing me. His advice and insight was always offered in a manner that suited my lifestyle. It was never dogmatic or condescending. Mike is also an amazing motivator! He inspired me to participate in my first 5K. Most importantly, he prepared me physically to not only complete the race, but do so in a way that left me feeling well post-race. Thank you!" - Debbie Donovan