Mastering the Art of Hunger: How the Mighty Oak Athletic Challenge Prepares You for the Feast of the Year
Most Americans rarely experience hunger. Sure, people get hangry all the time. But that’s different. What about experiencing the sensations that are triggered when the body is burning more calories in a day than it is taking in? That is not the same as eating lunch an hour late because a Zoom meeting ran long.
Take the Mighty Oak Athletic Turkey Time Challenge in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. It’s simple - skip one meal a day. That’s it!
Eat dinner at 7pm? Then skip breakfast and wait until lunch for the next meal. Need breakfast to jumpstart the day? No problem! Pass on lunch and wait for dinner. Need to eat throughout the day? Cool! Enjoy a healthy breakfast and sensible lunch, then skip dinner.
This does not have to be a forever change. It is a great way to disrupt habitual eating, identify true hunger, and build a small caloric deficit leading up to the gluttonous holiday at the end of November.
Embrace discomfort. Don’t obsess about being hungry and don’t get overly-focused on the next meal. Instead, acknowledge what the body is experiencing and use it as an opportunity to recalibrate and prepare for the Feast of the Year.
Happy Thanksgiving!