Strength Training for Adults

Death Resistant

Recovery, Movement, and Nutrition. That is what it takes to live a long and healthy life.

This is not groundbreaking information.

Most people intuitively know this to be true.

The challenge arises in defining how often, how much, when, where, and what “healthy” rest, activity, and food look like.

The Circles of Life are an attempt to break “healthy” down into manageable segments that can be understood and applied.

The goal is not to process all of the information in one sitting and then assimilate that into tomorrow’s daily activities.

Rather, start by understanding a high level overview.

Grasp the system from a more general point-of-view.

Then, gradually begin to break down the individual components and implement them into a personalized definition of “health.”

Reserve the right to change as new information becomes available.

Health and fitness has evolved for millennia.

What is a best practice today, might be completely reversed next year.

Do not let that fluidity of thought undermine the mindset as a whole.

Commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle is a life-long journey.

Play the long game.

Start thinking in terms of living to be 120 years old and what it will take to get there with a sharp mind and a functional body.

Sign up for a free trial session and start your journey towards a stronger, healthier you!


Recovery is the most underrated aspect of health.

While recovery has been more popular in recent fitness discussions, diet and exercise still dominate the health mindset.

This is a mistake.

Rest and recovery is where the magic happens.

During intense activity, the body gets broken down.

Physical growth takes place long after the sweat has dried.

Many people in a pursuit of health tend to over-exercise and under-eat.

The common mantra is eat less and exercise more.

Frustration sets in when the body refuses to respond with the desired effect, or worse, an adverse effect!

So what is the solution?

Prioritize rejuvenation.


This is the most overrated aspect of health.

Ready for the dirty little secret of personal trainers everywhere?

One cannot out-train poor nutrition.

Exercise is not a means to weight loss.

Exercise needs to be reframed as movement.

Which movements build a strong, supple, and useful body?

Which movements are essential for a long and healthy life?

It is time to ditch the fancy contraptions and joint crushing weights.

Embrace natural body motions that support strong bones and muscles, preserve joints and tendons, and progress through a natural range of movement.

Healthy movements improve mobility, build muscular strength, and increase cardiovascular endurance.

They also need to be enjoyable.

Not all movements will be anxiously anticipated prior to a movement session, but all movements should serve the end goal of an increased health span - the part of life when someone is generally in good health.

Ditch the exercise mindset and reframe movement into a physical expression of human movement that will improve quality of life for decades to come.


This is the most appropriately rated aspect of health.

For many years, nutrition information was disseminated primarily by government agencies that, while not necessarily nefarious organizations, had multiple desired outcomes competing for support.

Is a diet based largely on the consumption of grains healthy or the work of large corporations supporting research that built the case for the sale of their products?

Is fat the enemy?

Maybe some types of fat.

What about cholesterol?

Is cholesterol found in food the same as cholesterol found in the human body?

Thirty years ago, it was challenging to get good information.

Today, the opposite challenge has prevailed - too much information.

This often leads to paralysis by analysis.

Mighty Oak Athletic will break nutrition down into its basic elements.

Then one can begin to understand what is important, what is irrelevant, and what it all means within the scope of a long and healthy life.



What does that word mean?

Is it the types of foods that a person eats regularly?

Is it the restriction in the amount or the types of foods that a person eats?

Does it matter?

Forget diet.

Think nutrition.

Nutrition is all about consuming the highest quality foods for health and growth.

How nutrition is put into practice will be varied for every person, but some aspects will be consistent regardless of age, race, gender, physical needs, and mental state.

Experience the Mighty Oak Difference - Sign Up for a FREE Trial Session!

Don’t just take our word for it, experience the transformation yourself.

We invite you to a FREE trial session where you can witness firsthand the benefits of our tailored adult training.

Our training isn’t just about physical strength; it’s about building a strong foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle.


What does it take to move well? It requires a shift in thinking and a shift in the approach to fitness.

For thousands of years, mankind had to adapt to their environment.

The rapid advancement of technologies in recent centuries has enabled mankind to adapt their environment to them.

Earlier versions of humans had to efficiently crawl, walk, run, balance, jump, climb, carry, throw, catch, and defend themselves.

These skills were essential for survival in the often unforgiving world around them.

Challenges were everywhere!

In modern times, the focus has shifted from being fit for practical reasons to being fit to simply look good.

Developing a body that functions well will result in a body that looks great.

Muscles will develop naturally and in a symmetrical manner - think Michelangelo's David.

More importantly, the body feels well and will handle activities in our daily lives pain-free.

The current approach to fitness is working out on some sort of man-made contraption for 60 minutes a day, three days a week.

Then being primarily sedentary for the next 23 hours moving from chairs, to cars, to couches, to beds.

People view working out as work, not fun. Movement should be an enjoyable part of life that is peppered in throughout the day.

When "working out," think about how the body moves naturally.

Do not default to the man-made machines that tout fitness.

Just move.







Push something heavy.

Pull something awkward.

Squat down.

Push up.

Be creative.

Make it a game.

Have fun!

Remember, the fitness industry is a business that needs products to sell.

There is no way to monetize a pull up...voila!...the lat pull down machine.

Ask the fundamental question, has there ever been a time the environment dictated that someone move in the restricted motions of the lat pull down machine - seated, legs immobilized, pulling weight down onto the body?

Food for thought...

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or starting your fitness journey, our expert coaches will guide you every step of the way.

Sign up for a FREE trial session today and start your journey to a healthier, stronger you.