Cure for the Common COVID: The Surprising Reason Why Exercise and Nutrition Are Key in the Battle Against COVID

Kaiser Permanente recently published research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine that studied 48,400 adults with COVID. The researchers categorized the patients into one of three groups: consistently inactive, somewhat active, and consistently active. Activity levels were measured based upon self-reported activity levels from the patients and were then compared with the U.S. physical activity guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

The results were eye opening.

First, only 6.4% of patients in the study were consistently active. That means over 93% were not meeting the weekly physical activity requirements on a consistent basis! That statistic is staggering on its’ own.

The news gets worse, however.

For the patients in the consistently inactive group, the health outcomes were sobering. That group had a 2.26 greater chance of hospitalization than the consistently active group. They also had a 73% greater chance of landing in the intensive care unit, and a 2.5 greater chance of death!

The study controlled for factors like age, race, previous medical conditions, obesity, and smoking. Even after those factors were taken into account, the results were still staggering.

So what does it all mean?


Eat healthy, exercise regularly, sleep consistently.

Yes, vaccines, masks, and hand washing are all important and can be included as part of a plan for the prevention of the transmission of COVID. But those efforts will not eliminate the virus from spreading. Expecting to avoid COVID forever is a poor plan.

The better option is to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Here’s how…

Load the plate up with fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. And eat a variety of colors. Experiment with root vegetables, tropical fruits, and bitter greens. Cook meals at home more than ordering out. Opt for clean protein like wild caught salmon or grass fed beef. Enjoy high-fiber carbohydrates like roasted sweet potatoes or wild rice. And drink plenty of water - look for lemonade-color urine.

Walk everyday, regardless of the weather. Walk indoors if necessary, but get moving. Spend some time each week lifting things that are heavy and increasing the heart rate by participating in enjoyable activities like running, biking, swimming, or playing sports.

Finally, turn off the electronics and go to bed early. Stop binge watching the Squid Games or Cobra Kai. Quit scrolling through Facebook and Instagram feeds. Close the Tik Tok videos, read a book, and allow the brain to decompress. Nothing is healthier than restorative sleep that allows the body to repair.

COVID is coming for each and every person on the planet. It currently cannot be avoided. By investing in a healthy and active lifestyle, the effects from the virus will be less punishing and deadly.

Now close this post and go for a walk!

Michael Ockrim

Meet the Mighty Oak

Michael Ockrim is a well-known author, speaker, and health and wellness expert. With a passion for helping people live their best lives, Michael has dedicated his career to sharing his knowledge and experience with the world.

A graduate of top universities in the field of health and wellness, Michael has years of experience working with people from all walks of life. He has written several bestselling books on health and wellness, including "Death Resistant: A Common Sense Guide to Live Long and Drop Dead Healthy," which has received widespread acclaim for its insightful and practical approach to healthy living.

In addition to his writing, Michael is a sought-after speaker, delivering inspiring and informative presentations on health and wellness to audiences around the world. With his engaging style and deep understanding of the topic, Michael has become a respected and trusted voice in the health and wellness community.

Michael's mission is to help people live healthier, happier lives, and he works tirelessly to achieve this goal. Whether through his writing, speaking engagements, or personal interactions with his readers and fans, Michael is dedicated to spreading the message of health and wellness to as many people as possible. So if you're looking for a fresh perspective on how to live a healthy and fulfilling life, look no further than Michael Ockrim!

Disclaimer: The information on this site and newsletter is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site or newsletter is for general information purposes only.

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